Anzumerken ist, dass nur manche Projekte dargestellt werden, andere werden ggf. in Zukunft neben neuen Projekten hinzugefügt.


Preview of Project Goodemic


  • Tägliches inspirierendes Zitat
  • Memes zur Unterhaltung
  • Konfigurierbar über Einstellungen

Rolle / Zeitraum

Rolle: Entwickler (Bereitschaft Semesterübergreifend an App weiterzuentwickeln), 4er Team;
Zeitraum: März 2020 bis Juli 2020 (bzw. Weiterentwicklung bis September 2020)

Überblick / Ziele

Im Rahmen der Projektstudie Enterprise Information Systems. Android App (Java) mit Android Studio entwickelt; „Goodemic“ soll mit inspirierenden Zitaten und Memes etwas Freude im Alltag bringen.Vorgehen: Design Thinking mit regelmäßigen Meetings (Team-intern sowie Team-übergreifend), mexikanischer Kommilitone im Team, daher alles in Englisch.

Schwierigkeiten / Lösungen

Zu lange an erstem Entwurf aufgehalten; Zweite Entwurfsiteration kostete Zeit, Implementierung kam zunächst zu kurz, durch Weiterentwicklungsbereitschaft konnte noch ein zufriedenstellendes Endergebnis geliefert werden.


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Digital Serious Board Games & IT-Management: An E-Learning Approach

Preview of Project Digital Serious Board Games & IT-Management: An E-Learning Approach


  • Paper about Digital Serious Board Games & IT-Management
  • Assets for Tabletop Simulator
  • PDF-Ception

Rolle / Zeitraum

Rolle: Sole Author
Zeitraum: March 2020 to July 2020

Überblick / Ziele

In the context of the Seminar IT-Management & Compliance. Written with LaTeX (TeXstudio) in English; Draft and Development of a Tabletop Game via Tabletop Simulator to convey IT-Management Basics through Gamification. Approach: Research, Write/Draft, Presentation

Schwierigkeiten / Lösungen

Gamification is a recent field of study as the term was coined in the last decade. It facilitates enthusiasm and motivation even while drafting. Difficulties were mostly due to minor oversights but quickly fixed.


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Preview of Project Coop-Picker


  • Select a Group of Commanders as Input
  • Choose at random from the given set
  • Fallback Links in the Dot-Menu
  • Predates StarCraft 2 Coop's Random Feature

Rolle / Zeitraum

Rolle: Sole Author of this Week Project (+Update)
Zeitraum: 2019.Feb

Überblick / Ziele

My Goal was to have an Android App provide a StarCraft 2 Coop themed random commander selector. Target Audience were friends playing StarCraft 2 Coop and having an Android Phone. Inspired by StarCraft 2 (see Technologies).

Schwierigkeiten / Lösungen

The different screens and resolutions provided some challenge between testing (emulator) and "production" (friends phones). After fiddeling with various Android Settings a common middle ground was found. Some time later Blizzard released their final commanders for Coop and so the App needed to be updated. The App still has some advantage over StarCraft2 Coop's own random feature. The randomness can be adjusted to a select group of commanders.


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Preview of Project ZaunFarbe


  • Configurable Color Palettes
  • Changes Registery Entry to Color of Day
  • Kills / triggers restart of Explorer and Fences

Rolle / Zeitraum

Rolle: Sole Author of this 2-Day Project
Zeitraum: 2020||2021

Überblick / Ziele

My Goal was to have a small tool to spice up the Color variation of Stardock Fences. Fences help organize the clutter of Desktop Icons one can accumulate. However, changing the Color of the Fences is a manual task within its control panel. Therefore limiting its external ability to apply changes. Inspired by Fences (see Technologies).

Schwierigkeiten / Lösungen

Fences being a commecial productivity tool, documentation was limited. Registry Key of the current Fence color was found, yet changing it had no immediate effect. As it is tied to Windows a reboot did the trick, simplifying it to a restart of the Explorer gave a reasonable shortcut. To have it configurable would be ideal.So two color palettes are hardcoded (selectable in the config) and a thrid is definable in the config.


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Preview of Project Recipe-Resolver


  • Reads whitespace indented textfiles
  • Prints out calculated totals

Rolle / Zeitraum

Rolle: Sole Author of this Afternoon Project
Zeitraum: 2020||2021

Überblick / Ziele

My Goal was to have a small tool to parse textfiles containing definitions of recipes, which then are printed out with their calculated totals. Helps (at least me) with knowing what I would have to farm based on the Recipe. Could be used for any kind of recipe-based crafting tree. Inspired by Astroneer (see Technologies).

Schwierigkeiten / Lösungen

Whitespace could in theory be any number of combinations, used some hardcoded rule (newline and # comment) in combination with what pythons "re" package interprets as whitespace. Another difficulty was getting the loops working as intended, took a few iterations...


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Preview of Project Metric


  • Provides a small Library of Functions
  • Minimalistic Runtime Info & Logging

Rolle / Zeitraum

Rolle: Sole Author of this Afternoon Project
Zeitraum: 2020.Oct

Überblick / Ziele

My Goal was to have a small library I could reuse for basic logging and a general runtime info. This was a learning by doing project, basically "hello-world"+1

Schwierigkeiten / Lösungen

Whitespace could in theory be any number of combinations, used some hardcoded rule (newline and # comment) in combination with what pythons "re" package interprets as whitespace. Another difficulty was getting the loops working as intended, took a few iterations...


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Preview of Project PTON-Interpreter


  • Reads whitespace-indented Text Files
  • Prints out Debug Info

Rolle / Zeitraum

Rolle: Sole Author of this Afternoon Project
Zeitraum: 2018.Mar

Überblick / Ziele

This was my first try on a formalization of the minimalistic text format I was slowly defaulting to when writing notes. Will be reworked in the near future on the basis of the Recipe-Resolver (see its Project Description) and my TASKs (see Blog Article about it; once it is written...) user-defined Language of Notepad++. Inspired by: Python and JSON.

Schwierigkeiten / Lösungen

It is hard to reconstruct this three years after the fact (of writing the project); as stated above new version is planned.
